Virtual Chair solicits proposals for 3-5 weekly virtual seminars. Further questions on this program can be directed to <>.
Virtual seminars have been widely impactful. This program aims to increase their impact by providing further opportunities for networking and informal discussion surrounding the technical content of the seminar. This increased interaction can result in establishing new collaborations and research directions as well as providing more cohesion for the geographically dispersed research community.
These seminars will take place in Virtual Chair’s academic metaverse powered by spatial chat. The academic metaverse is a shared virtual space that includes research labs (see CFP: Beta-test the Academic Metaverse), virtual institutes (see CFP: Semester Virtual Institutes) and virtual conferences. Established seminars can be added to the academic metaverse via their livestream (preferred) or Zoom link. Seminars can also be run natively in the academic metaverse.
Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis. Proposals should contain:
The names and affiliations of the organizers.
A synopsis of the seminar content.
Preferred timing.
Institute proposals should be submitted here:
Resources for Selected Proposals
Selected proposals will be sponsored by Virtual Chair and provided with:
A seminar room in the academic metaverse being developed by Virtual Chair and powered by
Support for native presentations via screenshare (recommended), as well as integrations with existing livestreams (recommended) or zoom sessions.
Consultation for organizers with Virtual Chair staff on technical aspects of organizing a virtual seminar in the metaverse.
(Limited) ongoing support for running the seminar series.
The seminar space will be the dedicated space of the participants of the seminar for its weekly session and one hour before and after the session.
