Conference Organizer Seminar Series: Past Sessions
See this page for info on upcoming sessions.
Part of a series of mini seminars aimed at organizers of academic conferences. These seminars will cover various topics around organizing and running physical, virtual, and hybrid events.
When and Where:
Every other Tuesday, 11am EDT (GMT-4), in the Seminar Room of the Academic Metaverse by Virtual Chair.
Past Sessions:
[August 9, 2022] Platforms for Virtual and Hybrid Conferences: Trade-Offs and Recommendations
Topics covered:​
​Tools and platforms that Virtual Chair has tried for running virtual and hybrid events and what we have learned.
Don’t know where to start for your next event? We’ll tell you which platforms we like in particular and how we’d recommend (not) combining them: We’ll take a closer look at Zoom, Gather, Miniconf, Whova and more.
Talk to other organizers about your experiences with particular platforms and technology and address any possible questions you might have and are looking to get input on
[July 26, 2022] Going Hybrid: Events in a New Phase of the Pandemic
Topics covered:
Important equilibrium outcomes that could be achieved within your research community—some harmful; others allowing your community to thrive—and how your conference design influences which of these outcomes are reached.
Fundamental differences between physical and virtual attendees, and how to plan your event accordingly to meet these different attendees' needs.
The wide design space of hybrid events: What formats we've seen in the past, what worked and what didn't, and trade-offs to consider for your own event.