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Conference Organizer Seminar Series: Past Sessions

See this page for info on upcoming sessions.



Part of a series of mini seminars aimed at organizers of academic conferences. These seminars will cover various topics around organizing and running physical, virtual, and hybrid events.


When and Where:

Every other Tuesday, 11am EDT (GMT-4), in the Seminar Room of the Academic Metaverse by Virtual Chair.


Past Sessions:

  • [August 9, 2022] Platforms for Virtual and Hybrid Conferences: Trade-Offs and Recommendations

    • Topics covered:​

      • ​Tools and platforms that Virtual Chair has tried for running virtual and hybrid events and what we have learned.

      • Don’t know where to start for your next event? We’ll tell you which platforms we like in particular and how we’d recommend (not) combining them: We’ll take a closer look at Zoom, Gather, Miniconf, Whova and more.

      • Talk to other organizers about your experiences with particular platforms and technology and address any possible questions you might have and are looking to get input on

  • [July 26, 2022] Going Hybrid: Events in a New Phase of the Pandemic

    • Topics covered:

      • Important equilibrium outcomes that could be achieved within your research community—some harmful; others allowing your community to thrive—and how your conference design influences which of these outcomes are reached.

      • Fundamental differences between physical and virtual attendees, and how to plan your event accordingly to meet these different attendees' needs.

      • The wide design space of hybrid events: What formats we've seen in the past, what worked and what didn't, and trade-offs to consider for your own event.

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