Virtual Chair has opened a collaboration space in its academic metaverse. For researchers working on papers with several groups of coauthors for an upcoming conference deadline, being able to easily hop into short meetings to keep the paper writing synchronized can make for more productive work as the deadline nears. Join the academic metaverse via the link below and navigate to the collaboration space shown below. Check the participants list for colleagues.

The collaboration space is open and researchers who which to use it for collaborations are encouraged to reserve a desk. Researchers are especially encouraged who are working on papers for the following conference deadlines (Virtual Chair is not affiliated with these conferences). Upcoming conference deadlines:
Marketplace Innovations Workshop (MIW 2022, deadline April 3, midnight Eastern). Collaboration space is open: Join now.
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2022, deadline April 4, 5pm Pacific). Collaboration space is open: Join now.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022, deadline May 19, 1pm Pacific). Collaboration space is open: Join now.
To recommend opening the collaboration space for a specific conference deadline, email the Virtual Chair team at <>.